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Table 1 The notations

From: A deep learning aided differential distinguisher improvement framework with more lightweight and universality



SPECK 2n/nm

SPECK acting on 2n-bit plaintext blocks

and using nm(k)-bit key


Bitwise XOR


Addition modulo \(2^n\)

\(S^{\alpha }(x)\)

Circular left shift of x by \(\alpha\) bits


Master key


i-round subkey

\(\Delta _{in}\)

Input difference


Plaintext pair


Ciphertext pair


\(P = P_l \parallel P_r\) and \(P' = P'_l \parallel P'_r\)


\(C = C_l \parallel C_r\) and \(C' = C'_l \parallel C'_r\)

\((\Delta C_l, \Delta C_r)\)

\(\Delta C_l = C_l \oplus C'_l\) and \(\Delta C_r = C_r \oplus C'_r\)